Directory Structure

The structure is based of the MVC design pattern, with an app folder containing the backend side of your application (config, core, middleware, controllers, models, views etc...). The public folder is the frontend side of your structure with an public/index.php file that runs the appplication and where you define your routes and endpoints.

All classes are namespaced and autoloaded with composer with the PSR-4 autoloading standart.

StackSync comes included with a SASS architecture based on the 7-1 architecture and make use of JavaScripts native ES6 modules. If you're only a backend developer and don't intend on using or learning these methods, and wish to either work normally or with a CSS framework, you can safely delete the scss folder (and clear the js folder if necessary) and use the css folder for your styling normally as it does not interfere with how the framework works and is optional.

The Root Directory

Your root directory will contain an Application.php file that initializes your app and gets called in public/index.php to run.

The .htaccess file redirects any request to the public folder.

A .env file with all your environement variables configured. If not refer to the Configuration section.

The composer.json file contains various informations about the mini-framework and all the available scripts/commands. Under the config section, the `process-timeout` setting is by default at `3600` (which means scripts will timeout after one hour). It can be safely modified to `0` if one wishes no interruptions when the local server is running for example.

The App Directory

The Public Directory